"C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\ClickToRun\OfficeC2RClient.exe" /update user updatetoversion=.2062įor more details and screenshots see: Uninstall Office 365 Click-To-Run Updates. If you get an error when trying to revert to this build, revert to the January 25 build instead: "C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\ClickToRun\OfficeC2RClient.exe" /update user updatetoversion=.2068
To uninstall the update and revert to the February 9 build, open a Command Prompt as an Administrator and run the following command: Uninstalling the updateīefore uninstalling the update, disable automatic update via:įile-> Office Account-> Update Options-> Disable UpdatesĪdditionally, create a reminder in your Calendar to re-enable updates in April as a fix for this issue should be deployed by then. 2068 or even earlier.įor cleanup tips see: Delete duplicates after emails got redownloaded. Uninstall the update by rolling back to version.Configure your account as an IMAP account instead of a POP3 account.Configure your POP3 account to not keep a copy on the mail server.Configure your POP3 account not to delete it after X days but leave a copy on the mail server (in some cases, you’ll then end up getting the second issue).Microsoft is working on a fix but in the meantime, you can use one of the following workarounds. Hit Enter, and check if you can successfully remove those stubborn emails that refuse to go away.
Press the Windows and R keys, and type outlook.exe /safe in the new Run window. You must use the Outlook setup wizard that will start when you open outlook for the first time with no profiles. You can also restart the email client in Safe Mode and delete the problematic message from there. Dont use the Mail(Outlook 2016) in control panel to setup the new account, it will not work. In Control Panel, Mail (Outlook 2016), delete all profiles and close it. When you have the POP3 account configured to leave all the emails on the mail server, the emails are repeatedly being downloaded and thus cause duplicates. Uninstall all older versions of office and reboot.When you have the POP3 account configured to leave the emails on the mail server for x days, the setting isn’t being respected and all emails are deleted from the mail server anyway.2025, you may encounter the following issues in Outlook 2016 when you are using a POP3 account. To get rid of these duplicates see: Delete duplicates after emails got redownloadedĪfter applying the February 16 update for Office 365, version.
If you’ve previously disabled updates, you’ll first have to choose “Enable Updates”.Īfter updating, you may receive duplicates from the mail server one last time. To get this fix directly, in Outlook choose: File-> Office Account-> Update Options-> Update Now.
We have to fill in the information in the text boxes next to the following areas: The next step is to fill in the appropriate text boxes with all the information needed.
Whatever way we use, the Add Account dialog box appears, where we are notified that Outlook Can Automatically Configure Many Email Accounts. Once selected the Account Settings dialog box appears, with the E-Mail tab activated, where from the left of the dialog box we select the command New as shown in the image below. The other way is, under the area Account Information, we select the command Account Settings as shown below, where the drop down menu appears with all the available commands where we just select the command Account Settings. One way to add an E-mail account is from, the right and under the area named Account Information, we select the command Add Account. Once in Backstage View, from the left of the drop down menu that appears we make sure that the Info tab is selected as shown in the image below. Then click Remove from Vault or Remove (depending upon which version of Windows you are running). In order to add new E-Mail Accounts in Outlook 2016 is to select the File tab in order for us to move to Backstage View. Locate the set of credentials that has either Outlook or Microsoft Office in the name and then expand the corresponding folder.
In order to check the e-mails that I receive is to click on the E-mail account that I want and I will be able to see the mails. In the image below, and at the left of the Outlook 2016 screen, we can see the three different E-mail accounts that I have added. In order for us to add multiple E-Mail Accounts in Outlook 2016, all we have to do is to follow the steps below. In Outlook 2016 (and Outlook 2013), we are able to add Exchange and Office 365 email accounts, as well as IMAP or POP accounts like, AOL, Gmail, MobileMe, Yahoo! Mail, and more.